First Things First! Have you registered to Consign?
Click the button below, put your zip code in and then sign-up for the JBF Lee's Summit Sale!
(If it doesn't pop-up on your list, use the zip-code from our venue - 64081)

Step 1: Gather up what you want to sell!
Kids grow SO FAST!Each of your children cycles through a wardrobe every 6 months! So, if you're feeling like you have a LOT of outgrown clothes and shoes in your house, you're not alone! Plus they also outgrow toys, games, books, furniture, and so much more! Grab a box and go through your house - you'll be surprised at what all you can find to sell! Here's just a few ideas of what you might find in each room:
- Bedrooms: Clothing, shoes, boppies, baby monitors, toys, lamps, rugs, outgrown furniture, and other room decor
- Linen Closets & Storage Areas: Sheets, towels, diapers, new supplies, step stools, blankets, Maternity clothes, extra Diaper Bags, and MORE!
- Playrooms: Toys, puzzles, games, family DVD's, dress-up & costumes, play kitchens, train tables, crafts & supplies, instruments, gaming systems... just to name a few things you might find!
- Kitchen: Baby dishes, lunch boxes, toddler cups, booster seats, and other safety items.
- Garage: Bikes, trikes, scooters, ride-on toys, strollers, wagons, and sports equipment!

Step 2: Sort Everything!
• KEEP the items that you just aren't ready to part with yet. (YES it's 100% Okay to do this!)
• TOSS the items that are too well-loved (stains, missing pieces, or are not working).
• SELL the items that meet these 4 C's: Clean, Current, Complete, Compliant
- CLEAN:The newer it looks, the better it sells! Check carefully for stains and holes in clothing. Clean all clothing and non-clothing items thoroughly.
- CURRENT: Sell warm weather clothing and shoes at our Spring/Summer sale. Sell cold weather items at our Fall/Winter sale. Shoppers love current styles that are in fashion.
Click HERE for the "What You Can SELL" Sheet
- COMPLETE: Be sure all parts & pieces are present before you tag items. Shoppers want to open their items when they get home and find everything in working order.
- COMPLIANT: Important Safety Guidelines apply to car seats, cribs, infant equipment & toys. We follow the Safety & Recall standards of the CPSC and you can check your items to see if they've been recalled HERE on their website.
Safety Waivers Required for all Cribs & Car Seats - you can download those by clicking here for Cribs and here for Carseats.

Step 3: Prep Your Items!
Gather these supplies to make your prep faster:
Hangers, clear self-sealing bags (zip-loc), ribbon/string, zip-ties, clear tape & painter's tape, clear (saran) wrap, scissors, safety pins, hole-punch, and some consignors also like to use a tagging gun.
Quick Tagging Tips!
Check out the Guides in our Facebook Group for more detailed instructions
Two Essentials: Make sure the tag is attached securely and also that all of the pieces are secured together and won't separate. We recommend that you tape bags closed. Tags can be attached to larger items with zip ties!
Put clothing on a hanger - make sure the hook of the hanger is facing left! You will attach your JBF tags with safety pin or tagging gun. Tie shoes together with zip-ties or ribbon. Tags can be attached to shoes with a zip-tie - it's helpful to punch a hole in the top of the tag and reinforce it with packing tape before attaching the tag to the shoes!
- BONUS: Create Outfits & Bargain Bundles! Shoppers LOVE to get great deals! Do you have something that came as a multi-piece outfit? Hang it together!! It's also okay to bundle like items into sets - just make sure that the items are all the same size. Bundling is popular in the smaller sizes and for lower-value items like tee shirts. Secure pieces to hanger using safety pins, being sure that the hanger is carrying the weight of the items and not the other items on the hanger.
Use clear bags to bundle sets of socks, hair accessories, infant mittens and other small items. Be sure to display the items in the bag neatly so a shopper can see well and tape the tag to the outside of the bag. Hats, bibs, and other items can simply be bundled by pinning them together with a safety pin! Selling a single hat or other accessory - simply pin the tag to the item. These items will be displayed at the sale in baskets or on hooks.
Please only sell books and games that are in great condition! Games should include all pieces, books that have names in them are fine to sell - just please no colored in, ripped, or well-loved books. Ensure that DVDs are actually IN the case and that they are not scratched and damaged. Tape game boxes shut, tape puzzle boxes shut, wrap board puzzles with saran wrap to protect them and keep the pieces together, tape DVD cases shut as well. Attach tags to the back of games with blue painters tape. Tags should be taped to the back of books with blue painters tape. Bundles of books can be made by wrapping them with ribbon like you would do a package or placing similar books in a zip lock bag

Step 4: Shopper-Focused Pricing!
Ask yourself, "What price would make me buy this item without hesitation...and brag about my bargain to my friends?" Then price your items for that price! You'll see a higher sell-through rate and that means MORE CA$H in your Pocket!! ALSO - We highly encourage consignors to let your items reduce during our 1/2 Price day! We've checked it out and consignors who let their items reduce - sell more and earn more! Learn More HERE
Quick Tip: Bundle Items to Save Time ~ As you are thinking about prices, consider creating sets or bundles. Put an outfit together, or a set of same-size onesies. Bundle 6 pair of socks together, or several superhero figures. Shoppers love it, and you only have to create one JBF tag!
Where to Create Your Tags
- Include brand, colors, number of pieces included You choose the price
- Choose the category that fits best (leave blank if you can't decide)
- Indicate size for clothing and shoes
- Put a check mark in the 50% off column to let your items sell for Half Price
- Put a check mark in the Donate column to let your unsold items be donated at the end of the sale! (Don't bring that clutter back home!)
- The "Quantity" column is where you can create several tags at once if you have multiple pieces of the same item.
TIP! Talk-to-Text If you are entering tags on your mobile device, use talk-to-text to go even faster.
Print Your Tags: Print your tags on 8.5"x11" white cardstock. Tags print 9 per page. If you want to have your tags printed at a retailer such as Office Max or a FedEx Print Shop save the PDF file and contact them for email instructions!

Step 5: Organize & Drop-Off!
Congratulations! You've got your items prepped and tagged! Now it's time to get ready for drop-off. Watch our Facebook page the week before the sale because we'll post a sale map so that you'll know exactly where everything will go! In the meantime, organize your items by type and size so that your Drop-Off process is easy and fast.
Quick Tips:
- Plan for 60-minutes to drop off your items. Longer if you have 250+ items to drop off. If you are helping out at the sale during drop-off please plan to drop your items off either before or after your shift. Email us if you have questions!
- Don't forget to get your Presale Tickets when you check-in for drop-off! Stop by the JBF tent for these.
- Clothing: You'll hang all clothing in gender/size areas on the racks. We will inspect during and after drop-off and will pull unacceptable items from the racks. Those items can be picked-up during your presale shopping time.
- Shoes: Drop these off at the shoe inspection area and we'll check them out then put them on the shelves.
- Toys, books, games, accessories, and etc... should be dropped off in their designated places. We'll have plenty of signage!
- All items that a child sits in, is carried in, or sleeps in will be inspected prior to the start of our sale, please make sure that Crib Waivers and Car Seat Waivers are with these items.
- For your Large Items, you will attach a yellow ticket to the items which makes it easier for shoppers to purchase your items during the sale. We will have team members available to help you with this during drop-off.
- If you have trouble figuring out where something should go - Please Ask Us!

Want to earn MORE? Join the Team!
We LOVE our JBF Team Members and there are some great benefits for consignors who help out at the sale!
- Get a FREE JBF Tee-Shirt! All of our team members get a JBF Tee Shirt at each sale - just because we appreciate you!
- Shop FIRST! Team members shop first! Check out the schedule HERE
- Shop the 50% off Sale on Saturday night BEFORE we open to Consignors!
- Earn MORE on your Sold Items!
- Help out at the sale for 4+ hours and earn 70% on your sold items
- Consignors who join the All-Star Team earn 75% on their sold items
- Consignors who join the JBF Crew earn 80% on their sold items!